Short Term Rental Glossary For Airbnb & Vrbo

Dz Channel Manager

A software solution that allows hosts to manage listings across multiple booking platforms (e.g., Airbnb, VRBO) from a central dashboard.

Dz Cleaning Protocol

A set of standardized procedures for cleaning and sanitizing a short-term rental property between guest stays, ensuring a hygienic and welcoming environment.

Dz Welcome Guide

A comprehensive document or digital resource provided to guests upon booking, containing essential information about the property, amenities, house rules, and local recommendations.

Dz Occupancy Rate

The percentage of time a short-term rental property is booked and occupied by paying guests over a specific period, indicating the property’s success and profitability.

Dz Guest Experience

The overall impression and satisfaction a guest has during their stay at a short-term rental, encompassing all aspects from pre-booking communication to check-out.

Dz Property Damage Protection

Insurance or security deposit options that protect hosts from financial losses due to accidental damage or guest negligence during a booking period.

Dz Local Regulations

Laws, ordinances, and guidelines set by local authorities that govern short-term rentals in a specific area, including permits, taxes, and occupancy limits.

Dz Superhost Status

A recognition badge awarded by Airbnb to hosts who consistently receive high ratings and meet specific performance criteria, enhancing their listing visibility and credibility.

Dz Property Photography

High-quality images showcasing a short-term rental property’s features, amenities, and ambiance, used in online listings to attract potential guests.

Dz Guest Review

Feedback and ratings provided by guests after their stay at a short-term rental, influencing future booking decisions and shaping the property’s reputation.

Dz Automated Messaging

The use of pre-written messages and scheduling tools to streamline guest communication, providing timely responses to inquiries, confirmations, and check-in instructions.

Dz Noise Sensor

A device that monitors noise levels within a short-term rental property, helping hosts address potential noise complaints and ensure a respectful environment for all guests

Dz Direct Booking

The process of guests reserving a short-term rental directly through the host’s website or personal channels, bypassing third-party platforms and their associated fees.

Dz Mid-Stay Cleaning

Optional cleaning services offered to guests staying for an extended period, providing a refresh of the property and linens during their stay.

Dz Listing Optimization

The process of improving a short-term rental listing on booking platforms to enhance its visibility, attract more bookings, and increase conversion rates.

Early Check-In

Allowing guests to access the property before the standard check-in time, often for an additional fee or subject to availability.

Enhanced Cleaning

A higher standard of cleaning and sanitization procedures, often implemented in response to health concerns or guest expectations.

Emergency Contact

A designated person or service that guests can reach out to for urgent assistance or maintenance issues during their stay.

Eco-Friendly Amenities

Sustainable and environmentally conscious products and practices offered at the property, such as biodegradable toiletries or energy-efficient appliances.

Event Hosting

Allowing guests to book the property for special occasions or gatherings, often with specific guidelines and potential additional fees.

External Amenities

Features and attractions located outside the property but within close proximity, such as restaurants, shops, or tourist destinations.

Extra Guest Fee

An additional charge applied per person beyond the maximum occupancy stated in the listing.

Experiential Travel

A focus on providing guests with unique and memorable experiences beyond the typical accommodation, such as local tours, cooking classes, or adventure activities.

Earning Potential

The estimated revenue a short-term rental property can generate, considering factors like location, property size, amenities, and seasonality.


A form of tourism that emphasizes responsible travel to natural areas, conserving the environment, and sustaining the well-being of local people.

Energy Efficiency

The use of appliances, building materials, and design features that reduce energy consumption and lower utility costs for short-term rentals.

Electronic Signature

A digital equivalent of a handwritten signature used to sign rental agreements and other legal documents electronically.

Emergency Preparedness

Having plans and resources in place to handle unexpected situations like natural disasters, power outages, or medical emergencies at a rental property.

Exclusive Listing

An agreement where a property owner grants a single property manager or platform exclusive rights to market and manage their short-term rental.

Exit Strategy

A plan for transitioning a short-term rental property to a different use, such as long-term renting or selling, considering market conditions and financial goals.

Experience Economy

A shift in consumer behavior where people prioritize spending money on experiences and creating memories, benefiting unique and memorable short-term rentals.

Ethical Hosting

Operating a short-term rental business with integrity, transparency, and respect for guests, neighbors, and the local community.

Eviction Protection

Insurance or legal services that protect landlords and property managers from financial losses due to non-paying guests or eviction-related expenses.

Earning Seasonality

The fluctuation of rental income throughout the year due to factors like holidays, local events, and travel seasons.

Early Adopter

Hosts or property managers who are among the first to adopt new technologies, platforms, or strategies in the short-term rental industry.

Earning Disclaimer

A statement clarifying that potential earnings from short-term rentals are not guaranteed and vary based on factors like location, property type, and season.

Earning Threshold

The minimum amount of income a host needs to generate from their short-term rental to meet their financial goals or obligations.

Early Bird Discount

A reduced rental rate offered to guests who book their stay well in advance of their arrival date.

Ease of Access

The level of convenience guests experience when entering and accessing the short-term rental property, often influenced by factors like keyless entry, clear instructions, and accessibility

Earning Projection

An estimate of the potential income a short-term rental property could generate over a specific period, based on factors like historical data, market trends, and

Earning Report

A detailed summary provided by platforms like Airbnb and VRBO, outlining a host’s earnings, payouts, and booking activity over a specific period.

Earning Supplement

Additional income generated through offering extra services or amenities to short-term rental guests, such as airport transfers, grocery delivery, or guided tours.

Earning Transparency

The practice of providing clear and accurate information to potential guests about the total cost of their stay, including cleaning fees, taxes, and any additional

Earning Variability

The fluctuation in income that short-term rental hosts may experience due to factors like seasonality, demand, and competition.

Earning Optimization

The process of implementing strategies to maximize revenue from a short-term rental, such as dynamic pricing, targeted marketing, and offering additional services.

Earning Potential Calculator

A tool that provides estimated earnings for short-term rentals based on factors such as location, property size, and amenities.

Early Adopter Advantage

The benefits experienced by hosts who are among the first to list their properties on new short-term rental platforms or in emerging markets.

Earning Diversification

The strategy of generating income from multiple short-term rental properties or platforms to mitigate risk and potentially increase earnings.

Earning Reinvestment

The practice of allocating a portion of short-term rental profits back into the business, such as property improvements, marketing, or guest experience enhancements.

Earning Metrics

Key performance indicators (KPIs) used to track the financial performance of a short-term rental, such as occupancy rate, average daily rate, and revenue per available

Earning Statement

A document provided by a short-term rental platform or property manager that details a host’s earnings, expenses, and net income for a specific period.

Earning Breakdown

A detailed analysis of the different sources of income and expenses associated with a short-term rental property.

Ebb and Flow Pricing

A dynamic pricing strategy that adjusts rental rates based on fluctuations in demand, such as holidays, weekends, or local events.

Eberhard Effect

In photography, the Eberhard effect refers to an enhanced edge contrast that can occur during film development. While not directly related to short-term rentals, it

Ebook Guide

A digital book offering comprehensive information, tips, and resources for managing short-term rentals, often covering topics like listing optimization, guest communication, and legal considerations.

Ebusiness Software

Software solutions designed to manage various aspects of online businesses, including short-term rental operations, such as booking calendars, payment processing, and guest communication tools.

Ebasic Amenities

The essential amenities that guests expect in a short-term rental, such as toiletries, linens, and towels. Providing ebasic amenities ensures a comfortable and satisfactory guest

Eblast Marketing

A direct marketing strategy that involves sending out promotional emails to a large list of subscribers. Hosts can use eblast marketing to promote their listings,

Ebooking Platform

An online platform that facilitates the booking of accommodations, such as Airbnb and VRBO. Ebooking platforms connect hosts with potential guests and streamline the reservation

Ebusiness Model

The framework that describes how a short-term rental business operates online, including revenue generation, customer acquisition, and service delivery. A well-defined ebusiness model is crucial

Ebrand Reputation

The online reputation of a short-term rental business, as reflected in guest reviews, social media mentions, and other digital platforms. Maintaining a positive ebrand reputation

Ebilling System

A software or platform that automates the process of invoicing and payment collection for short-term rentals. An efficient ebilling system simplifies financial transactions and ensures

Eboarding Process

The steps involved in welcoming and orienting new guests to a short-term rental property. A smooth and efficient eboarding process enhances guest satisfaction and reduces

Ebooking Calendar

A digital calendar that displays the availability of a short-term rental property. Hosts use ebooking calendars to manage reservations, avoid double-bookings, and track occupancy rates.

Eblast Campaign

A targeted email marketing campaign designed to promote a specific offer, event, or update related to a short-term rental business. Eblast campaigns can help increase

Ebooking Confirmation

An automated email or message sent to guests upon successfully booking a short-term rental. The ebooking confirmation typically includes reservation details, property information, and check-in

Ebusiness Insurance

Specialized insurance coverage designed to protect short-term rental businesses from risks associated with online operations, such as cyberattacks, data breaches, and online liability claims.

Eboarding Software

Digital tools and platforms that streamline the guest onboarding process, such as automated messaging systems, digital welcome guides, and online check-in forms. Eboarding software enhances

Ebooking Engine

A software component integrated into a short-term rental website or platform that allows guests to search for availability, select dates, and make reservations online. A

Ebrand Consistency

Maintaining a consistent brand identity across all online platforms and touchpoints, including listing descriptions, social media profiles, and guest communication. Ebrand consistency enhances brand recognition

Ebusiness Growth

The expansion and development of a short-term rental business through online marketing, customer acquisition, and operational efficiency. Ebusiness growth strategies aim to increase bookings, revenue,

Ebooking Widget

A small piece of code that can be embedded into a website or social media profile to allow guests to search for availability and book

Eclectic Decor

A style of interior design that mixes and matches furniture, textiles, and accessories from different periods and styles, creating a unique and personalized look for

Economic Impact

The effect of short-term rentals on the local economy, including factors such as job creation, revenue generation, and impact on traditional housing markets.

Economy Season

The period of the year when travel demand is lower, typically outside of peak seasons or holidays. Short-term rental owners may offer discounted rates during

Ecotourism Certification

A certification program that recognizes short-term rentals that meet specific sustainability standards, such as energy efficiency, water conservation, and waste reduction.

Eclectic Design

An interior design style that blends elements from various periods and styles, creating a unique and personalized space that reflects the host’s taste.

Eco-Friendly Cleaning

The practice of using cleaning products and methods that have minimal impact on the environment and human health.

Eco-Conscious Amenities

Amenities provided in the short-term rental that promote sustainability and reduce environmental impact, such as reusable water bottles, energy-efficient appliances, or organic toiletries.

Eclectic Furniture

A style of furnishing a short-term rental with a mix of pieces from different periods, styles, and origins, creating a unique and personalized atmosphere.

Eclectic Lighting

The use of various light sources, fixtures, and styles to create a layered and inviting ambiance in a short-term rental.

Ecommerce Integration

Connecting a short-term rental business with online marketplaces or platforms to sell additional goods or services, such as local experiences or souvenirs.

Eco-Friendly Practices

Implementing sustainable and environmentally responsible methods in short-term rental operations, such as using eco-friendly cleaning products and reducing energy consumption.

Ecotourism Market

The segment of the tourism industry that focuses on responsible travel to natural areas, often overlapping with short-term rentals that emphasize sustainability and conservation.

Eclectic Artwork

Using a curated collection of art pieces from different artists, styles, or mediums to enhance the visual appeal and personality of a short-term rental.

Ecommerce Platform

An online platform or marketplace specifically designed for short-term rental hosts to sell additional products or services to their guests.

Eclectic Textiles

Incorporating a variety of fabrics, patterns, and textures in soft furnishings like cushions, throws, and rugs to add visual interest and comfort to a short-term

Eco-Friendly Transportation

Providing guests with information and options for environmentally friendly transportation, such as bicycles, public transit, or electric vehicle charging stations.

Eclectic Color Palette

Using a mix of colors from different parts of the color wheel to create a vibrant, personalized, and visually stimulating atmosphere in a short-term rental.

Ecommerce Analytics

Tools and data that track sales, customer behavior, and other metrics related to selling products or services through an ecommerce platform integrated with a short-term

Eclectic Kitchenware

Providing a diverse and interesting collection of kitchenware, including utensils, cookware, and tableware, to enhance the guest experience in a short-term rental.

Editable House Manual

A digital or physical guidebook provided to guests staying in a short-term rental property. It typically includes information on house rules, appliance instructions, Wi-Fi passwords,

Edit Listing

The process of updating or modifying the information displayed on a short-term rental listing platform, such as Airbnb or VRBO. This may include changes to

Educational Content

Informative materials provided to hosts or guests involved in short-term rentals. For hosts, this may include resources on marketing, pricing, or legal compliance. For guests,

Edit Reservation Dates

The ability for hosts or guests to modify the start and end dates of a confirmed reservation, subject to availability and potential fees, through the

Edit Pricing Strategy

The process of adjusting the nightly, weekly, or monthly rates for a short-term rental property based on factors like seasonality, demand, competition, and business goals.