A specific nightly rate set for a specific period, event, or guest. It allows hosts to adjust pricing based on demand fluctuations and special circumstances.
Glossary Term: Airbnb
The visual attractiveness of a property from the street, which can significantly influence a potential guest’s first impression and decision to book.
The maximum number of guests allowed to stay at a property at any given time. It’s important for safety, comfort, and compliance with local regulations.
A feature within a property management platform that consolidates guest communication from multiple channels, such as Airbnb, VRBO, and email, into a single inbox.
A nickname for the U.S. state of Colorado, a popular destination for short-term rentals due to its natural beauty and outdoor recreation opportunities.
A percentage of the booking revenue charged by property management companies or platforms like Airbnb and VRBO for their services.
An economic model based on sharing, renting, or borrowing assets or services, often facilitated by online platforms like Airbnb.
The practice of listing a property on multiple short-term rental platforms, such as Airbnb and VRBO, to increase visibility and booking potential.
The visible elements of a brand, such as its name, logo, color palette, and overall aesthetic. A strong brand identity helps differentiate a short-term rental property and attract guests.
A day or more left vacant between bookings to allow for cleaning, maintenance, or unexpected delays in guest checkout/new guest arrival.
The use of software to automate communication with guests, such as booking confirmations, check-in instructions, and post-stay reviews.
A software tool that allows property managers to manage their listings and bookings across multiple platforms, such as Airbnb, VRBO, and Booking.com.