How to Be a Short Term Rental Host: Tips and Tricks from the Pros

Making It in the Short-Term Rental Game: A Comprehensive Guide

The world of short-term rentals has been booming in recent years. Platforms like Airbnb and Vrbo have made it easier than ever for people to rent out their homes or apartments to travelers, and this has created a lucrative new income stream for many people.

If you’re thinking about becoming a short-term rental host, there are a few things you need to know to get started. In this article, we’ll share some tips and tricks from the pros to help you succeed.

1. Do Your Research

Before you list your property, it’s important to do your research and make sure that there’s a demand for short-term rentals in your area. You can use online tools like Airbnb’s Market Research tool or Vrbo’s Rental Demand tool to see how many people are searching for rentals in your area and what they’re willing to pay.

Know Your Competition

It’s also important to know who your competition is. Look at other short-term rentals in your area and see what they’re charging, what amenities they offer, and what kind of reviews they’re getting. This will help you set your own rates and decide what kind of amenities you need to offer to stand out from the crowd.

Local Regulations

Finally, you need to make sure that you’re aware of any local regulations that may apply to short-term rentals. Some cities have restrictions on the number of days per year that you can rent out your property, or they may require you to obtain a special permit. Be sure to check with your local government to find out what the rules are in your area.

2. Get Your Property Ready

Once you’ve done your research and you’re confident that there’s a market for short-term rentals in your area, it’s time to get your property ready. This means cleaning it thoroughly, making any necessary repairs, and adding some amenities to make your guests feel comfortable.

Cleanliness is Key

The most important thing is to make sure your property is clean. No one wants to stay in a dirty or cluttered home. Be sure to clean all surfaces, vacuum the floors, and dust the furniture. You should also make sure that the beds are made and the bathrooms are stocked with fresh towels and toiletries.

Necessary Repairs and Upgrades

Next, you need to make any necessary repairs or upgrades to your property. This could include things like fixing leaky faucets, replacing old appliances, or painting the walls. You should also consider adding some amenities to make your guests feel more comfortable, such as a coffee maker, a TV, or a washer and dryer.

Personal Touches

Finally, you can add some personal touches to make your property more inviting. This could include things like leaving a welcome note for your guests, providing them with a local guidebook, or stocking the fridge with some snacks and drinks. These little touches can make a big difference in how your guests feel about their stay.

The Art of Pricing

Pricing your short-term rental correctly is essential for maximizing your revenue. You want to charge enough to cover your costs and make a profit, but you also don’t want to price yourself out of the market.

There are a few factors to consider when pricing your rental:

Location: Properties in popular tourist destinations can command higher rates than those in less popular areas.
Amenities: Rentals with more amenities, such as a pool, hot tub, or gym, can also charge more.
Seasonality: Rates are typically higher during peak season (summer, holidays) and lower during off-season (winter, spring).
Competition: It’s important to research what other short-term rentals in your area are charging. You don’t want to price yourself too high or too low compared to the competition.

Once you’ve considered all of these factors, you can start to set your rates. It’s a good idea to start with a slightly higher rate and then adjust it down if necessary. You can also offer discounts for longer stays or last-minute bookings.

Marketing Your Rental

Once you’ve got your property ready and priced, it’s time to start marketing it to potential guests. There are a few different ways to do this:

Online Listings: The most common way to market your short-term rental is to list it on online platforms like Airbnb, Vrbo, and These platforms have a large audience of potential guests, and they make it easy for guests to book your property.
Social Media: Social media is a great way to reach potential guests who are interested in your area. Create a social media page for your rental and share photos, videos, and information about the local area.
Local Advertising: You can also market your rental through local advertising, such as print ads, billboards, or flyers. This is a good way to reach people who are already in your area and looking for a place to stay.

Managing Your Rental

Once you start getting bookings, you’ll need to manage your rental. This includes things like:

Communicating with Guests: You’ll need to communicate with guests before, during, and after their stay. This includes answering questions, providing directions, and resolving any issues that may arise.
Cleaning and Maintenance: You’ll need to clean your rental property after each guest leaves. You may also need to perform regular maintenance, such as changing the sheets, towels, and toiletries.
Dealing with Problems: Inevitably, there will be times when you have to deal with problems, such as a guest who damages your property or a guest who is unruly. It’s important to have a plan in place for dealing with these situations.


Being a short-term rental host can be a great way to make some extra money and meet new people. However, it’s important to do your research and make sure that you’re prepared for the challenges that come with it. By following the tips in this article, you can increase your chances of success as a short-term rental host.

Call to Action

If you’re thinking about becoming a short-term rental host, I encourage you to do your research and give it a try. It can be a rewarding experience, both financially and personally. Just be sure to do your research, price your rental correctly, market it effectively, and manage it well. With a little hard work and dedication, you can be a successful short-term rental host.