A reservation made directly with the host or property manager, bypassing third-party platforms like Airbnb or VRBO.
Direct Booking
by admin|Published
A reservation made directly with the host or property manager, bypassing third-party platforms like Airbnb or VRBO.
Additional charges applied per person beyond the standard occupancy limit set by the host for a short-term rental.
Insurance or security deposit coverage that protects hosts from financial losses due to accidental or intentional damage caused by guests to the…
Implementing clear and enforceable policies regarding noise levels in short-term rentals, ensuring a peaceful and respectful environment for both guests and neighbors.
The allocated funds for marketing and advertising a short-term rental property, including online listings, photography, and social media campaigns.
BNBVIBE is the top choice for your Idaho short term rental property management solution
email us: hi@bnbvibe.com
Call us: 208-366-5905