Short Term Rental Glossary For Airbnb & Vrbo

Attraction Guides

Informational resources provided by hosts to guests, highlighting local attractions, restaurants, and activities in the area.

Attainable Occupancy Rate

A realistic occupancy rate that a short-term rental property can achieve in a specific market, considering factors like seasonality, competition, and property type.

At-Risk Reservation

A booking that has a higher than usual likelihood of cancellation, modification, or no-show, often due to factors like last-minute booking or a guest’s booking

At-the-Door Pricing

A pricing strategy where the advertised rental rate only covers the base cost of the stay, and additional fees for cleaning, extra guests, or other

Attainable Average Daily Rate (ADR)

A realistic average daily rate that a short-term rental can achieve in a given market, considering factors like property size, amenities, location, and competition.

Attainable Booking Window

The typical timeframe in advance that guests book short-term rentals in a particular market or for a specific property type, influenced by factors like seasonality

Attainable Length of Stay (ALOS)

The average number of nights that guests typically stay in a short-term rental, influenced by factors like property type, location, and seasonality.

Attainable Net Income

The realistic profit potential of a short-term rental property after accounting for all expenses, including mortgage payments, property taxes, utilities, and management fees.

Attainable Market Share

The realistic portion of the total short-term rental market that a property or host can capture in a specific location, considering factors like competition and


The overall feeling or ambiance of a short-term rental property, often influenced by factors such as decor, lighting, scent, and amenities.

Attention to Detail

The practice of paying close attention to small but important aspects of short-term rental management and hosting, such as providing thoughtful amenities, ensuring cleanliness, and

Automated Guest Screening

The use of technology and software to automatically assess potential guests based on predefined criteria, helping hosts mitigate risks associated with renting to unknown individuals.

Automated Pricing Software

Tools that use algorithms and market data to dynamically adjust rental prices based on factors like demand, seasonality, and competitor pricing.

Automated Messaging System

Platforms or tools that allow hosts to schedule and automate guest communications, such as booking confirmations, check-in instructions, and post-stay messages.

Automated Cleaning Checklist

Digital checklists used by hosts or cleaning services to ensure consistent cleaning standards and track cleaning tasks for each turnover.

Automated Review Management

Software solutions that help hosts monitor, analyze, and respond to guest reviews across multiple platforms like Airbnb and VRBO.

Automated Revenue Tracking

The use of software or integrated platforms to automatically track income and expenses associated with short-term rentals, simplifying financial management.

Automated Keyless Entry

Systems that allow guests to access the property using digital codes, key cards, or smartphone apps, eliminating the need for physical key exchanges.

Automated Listing Optimization

Tools that analyze listing performance and suggest improvements based on factors like search ranking, booking conversion, and competitor data.

Automated Damage Protection

Insurance products or services that offer coverage for accidental damage caused by guests during their stay, providing financial protection for hosts.

Automated Local Guide

Digital guides or apps provided to guests that offer curated recommendations for local attractions, restaurants, and activities, enhancing their experience.

Automated Inventory Management

Software solutions that track and manage supplies and amenities for short-term rentals, ensuring adequate stock levels and simplifying replenishment.

Automated Welcome Packet

Digital documents or emails provided to guests upon booking confirmation, containing essential information about the property, amenities, and local area.

Automated Lead Generation

Strategies and tools used to attract and capture potential guest inquiries through online channels, social media, and other marketing efforts.

Automated Task Management

Software or platforms that help hosts and property managers organize, assign, and track tasks related to managing short-term rentals.

Automated Rate Parity Monitoring

Tools that track rental prices across multiple platforms to ensure consistent pricing and avoid discrepancies that could impact bookings.

Automated Listing Distribution

Software that automatically publishes and updates listings across multiple short-term rental platforms, expanding reach and visibility.

Automated Noise Monitoring

Devices that detect and alert hosts to excessive noise levels in their properties, helping to prevent disturbances and enforce house rules.


A premium short-term rental management company that offers a full range of services, including property management, marketing, and guest services, focusing on high-end properties and


A digital representation of a person, often used by hosts on platforms like Airbnb to personalize their profile and create a more welcoming presence for

Avoidance Clause

A clause in a lease or rental agreement that prohibits short-term rentals, often included by landlords or property management companies to prevent Airbnb-style rentals.

Availability Management

The process of managing and updating the availability of a short-term rental property across multiple booking platforms to avoid double bookings and maximize occupancy.

Average Booking Value (ABV)

The average amount of revenue generated per booking, calculated by dividing the total revenue by the number of bookings.

Avatar Hosting

Managing short-term rentals remotely without meeting guests in person, relying on technology and local support for communication and operations.

Availability Block

A period of time marked as unavailable for booking on a short-term rental calendar, typically due to maintenance, owner use, or other reasons.

Average Occupancy Rate

The percentage of time a short-term rental property is occupied by paying guests over a specific period.

Avenue for Guest Feedback

A method or platform provided by a short-term rental platform or property manager that allows guests to leave reviews, feedback, or suggestions after their stay.

Away Luggage

A popular brand of luggage known for its durability and stylish designs, often recommended to guests for their short-term rental stays.

Award-Winning Property

A short-term rental property that has received recognition or awards for its exceptional quality, amenities, or guest experience.

Away Team

A dedicated group of individuals or a third-party company responsible for managing various aspects of a short-term rental property remotely, including guest communication, cleaning, maintenance,

Awareness Stage

The initial phase in the marketing funnel where potential guests become aware of a short-term rental property or destination but haven’t yet considered booking.

Awaited Review

The status of a listing when a guest has completed their stay but the host has not yet left a review.

Awesome Amenities

Amenities considered to be above and beyond the standard offerings, significantly enhancing a guest’s experience and potentially increasing booking appeal.

Away-From-Keyboard (AFK) Host

A host who is not actively managing their listings or responding to inquiries in real-time, often relying on automation or co-hosting assistance.

Awkward Layout

A property floor plan that is considered unconventional, potentially inconvenient, or not conducive to a comfortable guest experience.

Awe-Inspiring View

A property offering a breathtaking or remarkable view that significantly enhances its appeal and value.

Awning Coverage

The presence of an awning over outdoor spaces, such as patios or decks, providing shade and weather protection for guests.

Awkward Access

A property with difficult or inconvenient entry or exit points, potentially posing challenges for guests with mobility issues or luggage.

Awe-Inducing Experience

A stay that leaves a lasting positive impression on guests, often characterized by exceptional service, unique amenities, or a memorable atmosphere.

Awake Time Zone Management

The practice of managing bookings and guest communication across different time zones while remaining responsive during reasonable hours.

Awash in Natural Light

A property with ample natural light, creating a bright and inviting atmosphere, often achieved through large windows or skylights.

Away-From-Home Comforts

Amenities and features that provide a sense of familiarity and comfort to guests, making them feel at ease in a new environment.

Awning Maintenance

The regular upkeep and cleaning of awnings to ensure their longevity, functionality, and aesthetic appeal.

Awaken the Senses

A marketing phrase used to describe a property that offers a multi-sensory experience, appealing to sight, sound, smell, taste, or touch.

Award-Winning Design

Interior design or architectural elements of a property that have received recognition or awards for their excellence and creativity.

Axiomatic Hospitality

The concept that hospitality principles like warmth, generosity, and guest satisfaction are fundamental truths in short-term rental management, essential for success on platforms like Airbnb

Axiom of Value

The understanding that guests seek a balance between the price they pay and the value they receive from their short-term rental experience, encompassing factors like

Axial Location

Refers to a short-term rental property situated on a main or central road or axis, often providing convenient access to transportation, attractions, and amenities.

Axially Symmetric Design

Describes a short-term rental property with a layout designed around a central axis, creating a sense of balance and harmony within the space.

Axiom of Transparency

The principle of being open and honest with potential guests about all aspects of the short-term rental, including its features, rules, and any potential drawbacks.

Axially Arranged Amenities

Refers to the strategic placement of amenities within a short-term rental property along a central axis, maximizing accessibility and convenience for guests.

Axiom of Personalization

The understanding that tailoring the guest experience to individual preferences and needs, through personalized recommendations or small touches, enhances satisfaction and fosters positive reviews.

Axially Focused Photography

A photography technique used to highlight the best features of a short-term rental by strategically composing images along a central axis, emphasizing depth and visual

Axiom of Sustainability

The increasing importance of incorporating sustainable practices into short-term rental operations, such as using eco-friendly products and minimizing environmental impact.

Axially Aligned Marketing

A marketing strategy that focuses on targeting specific guest demographics and aligning property listings and messaging with their interests and preferences.

Axiom of Community

The recognition that building relationships with both guests and the local community is essential for long-term success in short-term rental management.

Axially Planned Maintenance

A proactive approach to property maintenance that involves scheduling regular inspections and addressing potential issues before they escalate, minimizing guest disruptions.

Axiom of Data-Driven Decisions

The importance of utilizing data analytics to inform pricing strategies, identify booking trends, and optimize property performance in the competitive short-term rental market.

Axially Integrated Technology

The use of technology solutions to streamline various aspects of short-term rental management, from automated messaging and booking systems to smart home devices.

Axiom of Continuous Improvement

The ongoing pursuit of enhancing the guest experience, refining operational efficiency, and adapting to evolving industry trends in short-term rental management.

Axially Balanced Pricing

A pricing strategy that considers factors like seasonality, demand, competitor pricing, and perceived value to determine optimal rental rates for a short-term property.

Axiom of Legal Compliance

The understanding that short-term rental operators must adhere to all applicable local regulations, licensing requirements, and tax obligations.

Axially Targeted Content

Creating and distributing content, such as blog posts, social media updates, or email newsletters, that resonates with the specific interests and preferences of the target

Axiom of Guest Safety

Prioritizing guest safety and security by implementing measures such as smoke detectors, carbon monoxide alarms, first aid kits, and clear emergency procedures.

Axially Coordinated Services

The seamless integration of various services, such as cleaning, linen, and concierge services, to provide a comprehensive and hassle-free experience for short-term rental guests.

Ayn Rand Institute

While not directly related to short-term rentals, the Ayn Rand Institute promotes objectivism, a philosophy emphasizing individualism and laissez-faire capitalism, which can influence perspectives on

Ayurvedic Retreat

A niche short-term rental experience focusing on Ayurvedic practices, offering guests a holistic wellness retreat with treatments, yoga, and healthy cuisine.

Ayurvedic Amenities

Providing guests with Ayurvedic-inspired amenities like herbal teas, essential oil diffusers, or yoga mats to enhance their relaxation and well-being during their stay.

Ayurvedic Hospitality

A hospitality approach integrating principles of Ayurveda, an ancient Indian system of holistic wellness, to enhance guest experiences and promote well-being.

Ayurveda-Inspired Design

Interior design principles influenced by Ayurveda, focusing on natural elements, colors, and spatial arrangements that promote balance, harmony, and relaxation.

Ayurvedic Retreat Experience

A curated experience in a short-term rental incorporating Ayurvedic practices, such as yoga, meditation, customized meals, and spa treatments, to promote rejuvenation.

Ayurvedic Welcome Basket

A thoughtful welcome gift for guests containing Ayurvedic products like herbal teas, essential oils, or natural body care items, promoting a sense of well-being.

Ayurvedic Spa Services

Offering in-home or partnered spa treatments inspired by Ayurveda, such as massages, aromatherapy, and herbal remedies, enhancing the guest experience.

Ayurvedic Cooking Class

Providing guests with an immersive experience by offering cooking classes focusing on Ayurvedic principles, teaching them to prepare healthy and flavorful meals.

Ayurvedic Sleep Sanctuary

Designing the bedroom environment with Ayurvedic principles in mind, using calming colors, natural bedding, and essential oil diffusers to promote restful sleep.

Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultation

Offering guests access to consultations with Ayurvedic practitioners to receive personalized advice on diet, lifestyle, and wellness practices during their stay.

Ayurvedic Garden Retreat

Creating an outdoor space inspired by Ayurvedic principles, incorporating medicinal plants, calming water features, and comfortable seating for relaxation and rejuvenation.

Ayurvedic Yoga and Meditation

Providing guests with access to yoga and meditation classes or resources based on Ayurvedic principles, promoting physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

Ayurvedic Amenity Kit

A collection of Ayurvedic toiletries, such as herbal soap, shampoo, and lotion, provided to guests for a luxurious and wellness-focused experience.

Ayurvedic Dietary Recommendations

Offering guests personalized dietary suggestions based on Ayurvedic principles, considering their dosha (mind-body type) and any specific health concerns.

Ayurvedic Cleaning Practices

Using natural and non-toxic cleaning products and methods inspired by Ayurveda to create a healthy and hygienic environment for guests.

Ayurvedic Sound Healing

Incorporating sound healing therapies, like singing bowls or binaural beats, into the guest experience to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and enhance well-being.

Ayurvedic Aromatherapy Experience

Using essential oil diffusers or scented candles with blends inspired by Ayurveda to create a calming and therapeutic atmosphere in the rental property.