Beyond Skiing and Snowboarding: Winter Activities to Highlight in Your Airbnb Listing

Are you looking to attract more winter travelers to your Airbnb listing? If so, you need to do more than just mention the ski slopes. There are plenty of other fun and exciting winter activities that guests can enjoy, and highlighting these activities in your listing can help you stand out from the competition.

Sledding and Tobogganing

Sledding and tobogganing are classic winter activities that are perfect for people of all ages. There are many sledding hills to choose from, both in town and in the surrounding area. You can also find toboggan runs at many ski resorts.


Snowshoeing is a great way to get some exercise and enjoy the winter scenery. There are many snowshoeing trails to choose from, ranging from easy to challenging. You can also snowshoe on your own property if you have enough space.

Cross-Country Skiing

Cross-country skiing is another great way to get some exercise and enjoy the winter scenery. There are many cross-country ski trails to choose from, both in town and in the surrounding area. You can also cross-country ski on your own property if you have enough space.

Ice Skating

Ice skating is a fun and festive winter activity that is perfect for people of all ages. There are many ice skating rinks to choose from, both indoors and outdoors. You can also ice skate on your own property if you have a pond or a frozen lake.

Winter Hiking

Winter hiking is a great way to get some exercise and enjoy the winter scenery. There are many winter hiking trails to choose from, ranging from easy to challenging. You can also winter hike on your own property if you have enough space.

Dog Sledding

Dog sledding is a unique and exhilarating winter activity that is perfect for people who love dogs. There are many dog sledding companies to choose from, both in town and in the surrounding area. You can also dog sled on your own property if you have enough space and a team of dogs.

Highlighting Winter Activities in Your Airbnb Listing

Once you have decided which winter activities to highlight in your Airbnb listing, you need to make sure that you do it in a way that is appealing to potential guests. Here are a few tips:

  • Use high-quality photos. Photos are one of the most important factors in attracting guests to your Airbnb listing. Make sure that you use high-quality photos that show off the winter activities that you have to offer.
  • Write a detailed description. In your listing description, be sure to include a detailed description of the winter activities that you have to offer. This should include information about the location of the activities, the cost, and the availability.
  • Use keywords. When writing your listing description, be sure to use keywords that potential guests are likely to search for. This will help your listing appear higher in search results.
  • Offer discounts. Offering discounts on your nightly rate during the winter months can help to attract more guests.

By following these tips, you can highlight the winter activities that you have to offer in your Airbnb listing and attract more guests during the winter months.