Dealing with Dishonest Guests and Lack of Communication: A Host’s Guide

As a host in the short-term rental market, you’ve likely encountered a variety of guests. Some are delightful, leaving your property spotless and showering you with compliments, while others can leave you feeling frustrated and disheartened. Among the most challenging situations are those involving dishonest guests and the dreaded lack of communication. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore effective strategies to handle these issues, share personal anecdotes, and provide valuable insights to help you navigate the ups and downs of hosting.

Dealing with Dishonest Guests and Lack of Communication: A Host's Guide

Understanding the Landscape of Short-Term Rentals

The short-term rental industry has exploded in popularity over the past decade, with platforms like Airbnb and Vrbo making it easier than ever for homeowners to rent out their spaces. According to a 2023 report by Statista, the global number of Airbnb guests reached over 800 million in 2022, highlighting the vast opportunities and challenges this market presents.While many guests are respectful and communicative, there will inevitably be those who are less than honest or who fail to communicate effectively. Understanding the common issues hosts face can help you prepare for and mitigate potential problems.

Common Issues with Guests

  1. Dishonesty: This can manifest in various forms, such as:
    • Misrepresenting the number of guests.
    • Damaging property and denying responsibility.
    • Failing to disclose pets or smoking habits.
  2. Lack of Communication: Guests may:
    • Not respond to check-in messages.
    • Fail to inform you of changes in their plans.
    • Ignore requests for feedback or reviews.

The Emotional Toll of Dishonesty and Poor Communication

Dealing with dishonest guests and those who don’t communicate can be emotionally draining. You may feel frustrated, anxious, or even betrayed. As a host, you invest time, energy, and resources into creating a welcoming environment, and when guests don’t reciprocate that respect, it can feel disheartening.I remember one instance when I had a guest who claimed they didn’t break a lamp during their stay. I had clear evidence from my pre- and post-stay photos, but they insisted it was already broken when they arrived. It was a small item, but the dishonesty stung. It’s moments like these that can make hosting feel like a rollercoaster ride of emotions.

Strategies for Dealing with Dishonest Guests

1. Set Clear Expectations

One of the best ways to prevent dishonesty is to establish clear expectations upfront. This includes:

  • Detailed House Rules: Clearly outline your expectations regarding guests’ behavior. Include rules about the number of guests, smoking, pets, and parties. Make sure these rules are visible in your listing and reiterated in your pre-arrival messages.
  • Check-in and Check-out Procedures: Provide detailed instructions for check-in and check-out. This can help prevent misunderstandings and ensure that guests know what is expected of them.

2. Document Everything

Documentation is your best friend when it comes to dealing with dishonest guests. Here’s how to do it effectively:

  • Pre-Stay Photos: Take comprehensive photos of your property before each guest arrives. This includes documenting the condition of furniture, appliances, and any decorative items. Use these photos as a reference if disputes arise.
  • Communication Records: Keep a record of all communications with your guests. This can include messages sent through the booking platform, emails, and texts. If a guest denies a conversation or agreement, you’ll have proof to back up your claims.

3. Trust Your Instincts

If something feels off about a guest, trust your gut. If a potential guest has a vague profile, lacks reviews, or seems unresponsive, consider whether you want to proceed with the booking. You have the right to decline guests who make you uncomfortable.

4. Address Issues Promptly

If you discover dishonest behavior during a guest’s stay, address it promptly. Here’s how to handle it:

  • Stay Calm: Approach the situation with a level head. Avoid accusations and instead focus on the facts.
  • Communicate Clearly: Reach out to the guest to discuss the issue. Use your documentation to support your claims and express your concerns.
  • Seek Resolution: Work together to find a resolution. If damage has occurred, discuss how it will be addressed, whether through repair, replacement, or compensation.

5. Leave Honest Reviews

After the guest’s departure, leave an honest review reflecting your experience. This helps inform future hosts about the guest’s behavior. Be professional and factual in your review, focusing on specific incidents rather than personal attacks.

Strategies for Handling Lack of Communication

1. Be Proactive in Communication

Effective communication is key to a successful hosting experience. Here are some tips to improve communication with your guests:

  • Pre-Arrival Messages: Send a friendly message a few days before their arrival to confirm their plans and provide check-in details. This sets the tone for open communication.
  • Check-In Reminder: On the day of check-in, send a quick reminder message to ensure they have everything they need and to encourage them to reach out if they encounter any issues.

2. Use Multiple Communication Channels

Sometimes guests may not check their messages on the booking platform. Consider using multiple channels to reach out:

  • Text Messages: If you have their phone number, a quick text can often elicit a faster response.
  • Email: Sending an email can be an effective way to communicate important details, especially for longer messages.
  • Social Media: If appropriate, reaching out via social media can sometimes yield better results, especially for younger guests.

3. Set Expectations for Communication

Make it clear in your house rules that communication is essential for a successful stay. You might say something like, “I’m here to help! Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns during your stay.”

4. Be Understanding and Flexible

Sometimes, guests may not respond due to unforeseen circumstances. They could be traveling, dealing with personal issues, or simply overwhelmed. Approach the situation with empathy and understanding. If a guest is unresponsive, give them a little time before following up again.

5. Have a Backup Plan

Consider implementing a backup plan for check-in and check-out procedures. For instance, using a smart lock or keyless entry system can allow guests to check in independently, even if they don’t respond to your messages.

Personal Anecdotes: Lessons Learned

Throughout my hosting journey, I’ve encountered a range of guests, some of whom have taught me valuable lessons. Here are a couple of memorable experiences:

The Case of the Missing Communication

I once had a guest who didn’t respond to any of my messages leading up to their stay. I was worried they might not show up. On the day of check-in, I sent a final message, and to my surprise, they arrived just as I was about to call in a search party! It turned out they were traveling internationally and had limited access to their phone. This experience taught me the importance of being patient and understanding, as sometimes there are valid reasons for a lack of communication.

The Party That Wasn’t

Another memorable experience involved a guest who assured me they would be respectful and adhere to my house rules. However, I received noise complaints from neighbors within hours of their arrival. When I confronted the guest, they initially denied having a party, but I had clear evidence from my security cameras. This incident reinforced the importance of setting strict boundaries and being prepared to enforce them when necessary.

Resources for Hosts

To further assist you in navigating the challenges of hosting, here are some useful resources:

  • Airbnb Community Center: A platform where hosts can share experiences, ask questions, and find support from fellow hosts. Visit Airbnb Community Center
  • Hostfully: A resource for creating digital welcome guides and managing guest communication effectively. Explore Hostfully
  • Smart Lock Solutions: Consider investing in smart locks like August Smart Lock or Yale Assure Lock to streamline check-in and enhance security.
  • Legal Resources: Familiarize yourself with local laws and regulations regarding short-term rentals. Websites like Nolo provide valuable legal information for landlords and property owners.

The Importance of Self-Care

Dealing with dishonest guests and communication challenges can take a toll on your mental health. It’s essential to prioritize self-care as a host. Here are some tips:

  • Take Breaks: Schedule regular breaks to recharge and step away from hosting responsibilities.
  • Connect with Fellow Hosts: Join local or online hosting groups to share experiences and seek support from others who understand the challenges.
  • Practice Mindfulness: Engage in mindfulness practices, such as meditation or yoga, to help manage stress and maintain emotional balance.


Navigating the world of short-term rentals can be both rewarding and challenging. Dealing with dishonest guests and a lack of communication can certainly test your patience and resilience. However, by setting clear expectations, documenting interactions, and fostering open communication, you can minimize these issues and create a more positive hosting experience.Remember, every challenge is an opportunity to learn and grow as a host. By implementing the strategies outlined in this guide, you’ll be better equipped to handle any situation that comes your way. Embrace the journey, and may your hosting experience be filled with more delightful guests than troublesome ones!